An X-ray-like machine, but for waste. That’s what Sidharta Andalam and his team at Bosch Research in Singapore have developed. Instead of X-rays, it uses harmless terahertz waves to identify recyclable materials, help make recycling more profitable, and, in turn, divert recyclables like plastic bottles from landfills. Based on the terahertz images, an AI separates different types of plastic. In addition, Shuko and Geoff learn where plastic can be used wisely: Steven Greenall explains why plastic trombones are more climate-friendly than brass trombones.

Om Podcasten

On this award-winning show, you'll learn how Bosch turns research and development into real WOW moments. Each month we explore a different technology topic from multiple perspectives. Our hosts Shuko, Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy KNOW-HOW and WOWs in our Deep Dive shortcast, where we delve into a specific aspect of the topic. It's an inspiring tech snack hosted by an AI-generated voice avatar of Geoff.