What do the components of a car have in common with a jazz band? Getting them to play together in unison can be pretty challenging. This is something that car manufacturers know well. For future electric vehicles, a cross-divisional team around Bosch system engineers Erik Goerres and Dieter Schwarzmann want to make manufacturers’ lives easier. To understand the challenges and to improve component integration, they decided to follow the learn-by-doing approach and build their own research-only prototype vehicle. They call it the “Rolling Chassis”. One product that came out of it is the Advanced Driving Module, a package solution with all the Bosch components you need to make an electric vehicle move. Let’s get this episode rolling!

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On this award-winning show, you'll learn how Bosch turns research and development into real WOW moments. Each month we explore a different technology topic from multiple perspectives. Our hosts Shuko, Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy KNOW-HOW and WOWs in our Deep Dive shortcast, where we delve into a specific aspect of the topic. It's an inspiring tech snack hosted by an AI-generated voice avatar of Geoff.