Following Your Intuition During Pregnancy

In today’s episode, Rachel dives deeper into the journey of her pregnancy and shares what she is envisioning for the birth. Her decision has been met with resistance every step of the way - from doctors, from the media, and from a society that treats pregnancy as an illness. But this experience is a sacred and deeply personal one - it shouldn’t be a debate. There is room for everyone to feel autonomous, empowered, and have their needs met. While Rachel has opted for a less invasive pregnancy, this episode will not tell you how to do things. It will only encourage you to ask questions, do research, and actively participate in this experience that is inherently yours. Tune in to hear Rachel’s story and be inspired to follow your own path - not a path that anyone else chose for you. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Rachel Brathen is a bestselling author, podcast host, and serial entrepreneur who inspires millions every day. Now – Rachel offers an even more intimate look into her life and the inspiring journey. Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and well-being. The light you are seeking is within your own heart. Join Rachel as she helps you uncover it, from her heart to yours.