You Can’t Heal In a Toxic Environment - What Mold and Environmental Toxins Did To Our Bodies

The environment we live in, the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe play a massive role in our overall health and wellbeing. The good news? While this may seem overwhelming, a lot of it is within our control. On this week’s episode, Rachel opens up about her family’s environmental toxicology test results. While they were in for some shocking insights, now they have the answers they need to move forward. The truth is, we are all exposed to toxins on a day-to-day basis, but there are changes we can make to minimize both our exposure to them, and their impact on our bodies. For Rachel and her family to move forward, it requires a huge lifestyle shift. Rachel shares the changes she is making in her life and what you can do in yours as well. This episode will remind you to pay attention to the environment you are living in - and listen to your body when it speaks to you. The body has a deep inner knowing and if you listen to it, it could just save your life. After listening comes knowledge, and from there, we can make the decisions we need to change the course of our health for all days to come. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Rachel Brathen is a bestselling author, podcast host, and serial entrepreneur who inspires millions every day. Now – Rachel offers an even more intimate look into her life and the inspiring journey. Weekly episodes of storytelling and talks from Rachel (sometimes alongside special guests!) dive into topics such as love, trust, finding balance, overcoming adversity and well-being. The light you are seeking is within your own heart. Join Rachel as she helps you uncover it, from her heart to yours.