Funkmania Smooth Jazz - February#4/2024
FUNKMANIASMOOTH JAZZ FSJ #4/2024With David MargamFUNKALICIUS TOP SPOTLIGHT Artists This Week 🔊 The RT Project - Lifted🔊 Horst Lippitsch - Magic Moments 🔊 Eldon “T” Jones - Rip City🔊 Paul Dozier - Lady (You Bring Me Up)🔊 Roman Street - It's All About The Groove🔊 Nicholas Stefanacci - The Masquerade🔊 Greg Manning - Brother to Brother🔊 Steve Oliver - Skyway🔊 Allon Sams ft.Peter White - Feelin' It 🔊 Martin Klem - Too Slick to Stick🔊 Rei Narita ft.Peter White - Walk on the Star🔊 Thom Rotella - Patti Cake🔊 Ben Tankard - Absolutely!🔊 Yulia ft.Ricky Bolognesi&Lemek - Only With You🔊 MADZ - Breeze 🔊 David Margam ft.Roberto Vazquez - SerenityListen Live-Escucha en