Choli Ke Peeche

How have we, as a species, managed to find life on other planets and yet not cracked the secret to well-fitting bras?Aashika dons a triple cap this episode - that of lingerie designer, historian and feminist - to join us for a fun, candid, complete no-holds-barred discussion on boobs, 'intimates' and fashion. Why were all of our first bra experiences so cringey? Why do we still use a two-dimensional measuring system for a three-dimensional gland? How deeply does history inform our lingerie and fashion choices?  Between the male gaze and a 52-week-fashion cycle, we try to locate our agency with clothing and style, and when we feel and don't feel 'fashionable'. Its a rollick of an episode through everything that felt too hush-hush even five years ago.Listen to us, and tell us what you think! Write to us at with thots, memes and everything in the middle. 

Om Podcasten

Arundhati and Deepa - two feminists, friends, partners-in-crime - bring you a podcast full of conversations that make sense of the everyday through a fun, fierce, feminist gaze. कई कहानियाँ होती हैं जो कागज़ों में नहीं, जिस्म, ज़हन, जज़्बातों में छपी होती हैं| फुरसत feminism is an anthology of stories of living, breathing, dreaming feminist realities.