078 - Brad Stewart, AuD - AuDflow: Leveling Up the Hearing Care Experience

Guest: Brad Stewart, AuD - Owner of ClearLife Hearing Care; Co-Founder of AuDflow Topic: Leveling Up the Hearing Care Experience  Brad joins Dave this week to share his experience of working in private practice audiology for the last 10 years and how he views the evolution underway in the hearing health industry. They discuss Brad's hearing care consulting company, AuDflow, which is designed to help practices re-think their total patient experience - physical & digital - using a variety of innovative tools and services.  For independent private practitioners competing against a slew of new competitors, from an increasing amount of big-box retailers to online sellers, it's important to match parity when it comes to the things that the new competition does well, such as digital marketing and automation. As the two discuss, the key to success into the future might be a combination of blending the things that are appealing of the new competition, with the non-commodifiable expertise inherent from one's education. It's then a matter of properly fusing the two together to create an overall patient experience that's harder and harder for the new competition to replicate or differentiate from themselves.  Transcript: here

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Discussing the business of hearing healthcare and how hearing professionals can succeed in a rapidly evolving landscape. Guests of the show include experts with backgrounds in Audiology, Public Health, Consumer Audio, and Technology. The goal of Future Ear Radio is to connect the trends converging around our ears. (FuturEar)