02: Future Voices – Rethinking Waste – Repair Cafe Glasgow

It’s becoming more and more apparent that our ‘throwaway’ society, fueled by over-consumption of cheap goods, is totally unsustainable. Repair Cafés are a hands-on way to learn how this attitude fails both people and the planet and to take practical steps to do something about it. Repair Cafés are helping to change attitudes by presenting an innovative approach to waste reduction, social cohesion and the transference of craft skills, through the act of repairing, upgrading and maintaining a broad range of products. The story of Repair Cafe Glasgow with Lauren Crilly (Communications and Events Officer) and cafe users. More here: https://repaircafeglasgow.org

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Many glimpses of an alternative future already exist across Scotland. Often against significant odds, communities are implementing locally-developed solutions to meeting their needs – across food, energy, transport, waste, health, education and enterprise. Future Voices tells the stories of some of these initiatives. SCCAN holds a vision of a zero-carbon future, achieved through communities becoming empowered and resilient enough to grasp the opportunity to build a fairer society – one that regenerates our communities as well as our environment.