Accessing Your Divine Rhythm with Wendy Kennedy

Visit Gaia+ for our Live Conference Channeling event! As the daily pace of life picks up, it’s more important than ever for us to tap into our own divine rhythm and the universal flow of energy. Too often, we don’t take time to tap into these energies, leaving us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, disconnected, and at the mercy of the outside world.Wendy Kennedy channels The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective as these guides share their perspective on utilizing universal, galactic, and planeta...

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How are we all connected through the universal cosmic web? Unlock the powers of your own consciousness and learn the secrets of existence by following the golden thread and joining experts and researchers across differing fields and disciplines. From revolutionary science, esoteric practices, natural remedies, practical applications, revelatory information, and ancient knowledge, explore how to evolve awareness, enrich your life, and find peace through the evolution of consciousness. To learn even more visit where you can watch interviews, movies, and original series.