Using a "Pull" Strategy to Expand the Impact of Strengths (S7E20)

Gordon Pitman, Chief HR Officer for GKN Aerospace spoke about how strengths and strengths-based leadership have expanded their influence from his team to several multinational organizations he's worked in. Gordon prefers a "pull" approach to spreading strengths and CliftonStrengths because the concept has a natural appeal along with face validity. As such, when talking about strengths, he prefers to "go where the water flows."Full show notes and transcripts at learn more about becoming a Certified Strengths Coach at the Gallup Strengths Center:'s Called to Coach is a live Webcast that targets current and prospective coaches to interact with Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.On a recent Called to Coach, we spoke with Gordon Pitman, Chief HR Officer for GKN Aerospace, about how strengths and strengths-based leadership have expanded their influence from his team to several multinational organizations he's worked in. Gordon prefers a "pull" approach to spreading strengths and CliftonStrengths because the concept has a natural appeal along with face validity. As such, when talking about strengths, he prefers to "go where the water flows."

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GALLUP® Called to Coach is a webcast resource for those who want to help others discover and use their strengths. We have Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches share tactics, insights and strategies to help coaches maximize the talent of individuals, teams and organizations around the world.Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else. Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths® 34. Visit today!