Shane K. Morton's Drag Queens Aren't A Drag

Ep:088 - Shane K Morton is a best-selling own voices author of LGBT romance, mystery and YA. Showing the LGBTQIA human condition in his work is important to him because visibility is everything. He writes darker horror/mystery under the name Sean Azinsalt. Before writing novels, he was a playwright and musical theatre actor who has performed in all 50 United States as well as three countries. His films have played at film festivals around the country. He is married to his husband and they hav...

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Author interviews with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer writers of mystery, suspense, and thriller novels. We also give crime genre LGBTQ book recommendations. Brad Shreve chats with authors to learn who they are as well as touching on their craft. This is the source to add to your list of must read LGBTQ books. Rated by Buzzfeed as one of the 20 Best Queer Podcasts in 2022. No new episodes are being made for this show but check out Brad's new show Queer We Are where he interviews LGBTQ celebrities, athletes, politicians, artists, and more.