Space Mutations, Voyager Lives, Project Hail Mary, Deadpool & Wolverine GIS833

RobChrisRob circled up to talk about Lord & Miller going forward with Project Hail Mary starring Ryan Gosling, The engineering wizards at NASA have got Voyager 1 communicating updates to earth again, the ISS has an unknown drug resistant bacteria on board which is probably no big deal, a mom found a jawbone in her kids Rock Collection, a guy who's body naturally makes its own alchohol was cleared of drunk driving charges by a Belgian Judge, and Deadpool & Wolverine have a new trailer, so we talked a bunch about how Liefeld ain't so hot at drawing feet... Join our discord to talk along or the Subreddit where you will find all the links

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Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda is a legend... like Big Foot. But less harry and more interested in science fiction and technology.