Strategic Maple Reserves, Neuralink Gaming, Macabre Book Bindings GIS828

RobChrisRob linked up their disparate communications arrays to discuss the Canadian strategic maple syrup reserve hitting a 16 year low, the dating app GPS bug that is trying to bring Israeli & Lebanese together, the Hawaiian landowner who discovered a $500k house built on her lan, Harvard will remove the human skin book binding from a book make in the 1800s, the Nigerian woman who faces jailtime for a bad review of tomato puree, and the man who got the neuralink brain implant used it for... civilization 6. Join our discord to talk along or the Subreddit where you will find all the links

Om Podcasten

Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda is a legend... like Big Foot. But less harry and more interested in science fiction and technology.