Geheimakte: 1972 – Special Episode 1 "An old dispute that escalates" [OV English]

Silent, lying, insulting: "You! You! You bring terror on German soil!". That's what Ankie Spitzer got to hear from the police when she wanted to know more about her husband's death. Just one of many points of contention between the families of the victims and Germany that have not been resolved for 50 years.

Om Podcasten

Der True Crime-Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP. Spannende Kriminalfälle, die als aufgeklärt gelten, aber noch immer viele Fragen aufwerfen. Investigative Recherchen zu Themen, die ganz Deutschland bewegen. Unsere Reporter recherchieren unnachgiebig, verfolgen neue Spuren und fangen da an, wo andere bereits aufgegeben haben. Geheimakte - ein Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP, ausgezeichnet mit dem deutschen Radiopreis. ____________________ The True Crime podcast of ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP. Thrilling criminal cases that are considered solved, but still raise many questions. Investigative research on topics that move the whole of Germany. Our reporters relentlessly investigate, pursue new leads and start where others have already given up. Geheimakte - an ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP-Podcast, awarded the German Radio Prize.