Ep. 154 — The Islamic Republic of Iran's Axis of Resistance

Bill, co-host Behnam, and long-time friend of the show Edmund Fitton-Brown preview and share insights from a project they’ve been working on concerning the Islamic Republic of Iran’s axis of resistance. They discuss Tehran’s extensive track record of not playing by the rules — and not paying a price for it — as well as the origins of conflict between Iran and the West from before the 1979 revolution to tapping their regional proxies on and after October 7, 2023 to target Israeli and American interests in the Middle East — and everything in between. 

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The war against Islamic Jihadism is defining generations. It was our father’s war, it’s our war, and will most likely be our children’s war. The FDD' s Long War Journal team has been researching and reporting for over two decades on the jihadists fueling this terror. “Generation Jihad” features LWJ Editors Bill Roggio and Caleb Weiss as they diagnose the black and white motivations behind the world’s most notorious terrorists, report on their expanding malign activities, and offer their prescriptions for confronting the multi-generational menace that is Islamic Jihadism.