EPISODE THIRTY SEVEN  Zanzibar, or the Last Reason

“Zanzibar, or the Last Reason,” translated from the German, “Sansibar oder der letzte Grund,” is a novel by Alfred Andersch where one of the protagonists (a boy) daydreams the far away Zanzibar from his small hometown in Germany.  Maybe a bad case of fernweh, this island in his mind is actually located in the Indian Ocean, but it is less a concrete goal than the utopian place of a better future.  Water temperature: 30 degrees Celcius.

Om Podcasten

The Geographical Imaginations Expedition & Institute is a growing multi-media public geography initiative designed to bring together academic and everyday geographical, or spatial, thinking. We believe everybody is a geographer and a co-maker of spaces. As an inquiry-based project, we ask questions and explore themes through dialogues with different texts and voices. Inevitably, our explorations return to simple, yet complex, questions. How does ________ inform the way I picture the world in my head? How does that picture, in turn, limit or expand my place in the world? The main focus of the project is an hour-long radio essay program broadcast monthly from Radio Fabrik in Salzburg, Austria. We call it, "Geographical Imaginations: Radio Expeditions into the Geographies of Everything and Nothing." In each episode we make brief expeditions into the geographies of everything and nothing. We reflect upon our relationships with the worlds we inhabit and co-create. While many of the episodes deal with local and regional topics, themes are somewhat universal and our investigations could inform the geographical imaginations of those living anywhere in the world. The show is hosted and produced by Kevin S. Fox (www.ksfox.org), a cultural geographer from Connecticut.