What If There Were No International Borders? (Part 1)

International borders have carved up the world in a thousand different ways. But while they seem like permanent fixtures, international borders don't actually exist. Rather they are human-made constructs that tell us where we can or can not go. And not all that long ago, borders didn't really exist at all, at least not in the way we think of them now. Join Geoff and Hunter as they explore the history of borders and what they mean for people all over the world!

Om Podcasten

Geography is everything and in this podcast you'll gain a better understanding of topics such as regional dialects, beer, cities, food, and everything else, just with a geographic lens! Join Geoff Gibson (host of the YouTube channel: Geography by Geoff) and Professor Hunter Shobe of Portland State University as they tackle different topics and discuss them to ridiculous lengths! New episodes published weekly every Tuesday.