How Rich People Think Differently Than You Do

📈 Are you on track with the Baby Steps? Get a free personalized plan.[BK1]  If you want to be rich, try thinking like someone who already is. In this episode, learn how to build some serious wealth using 13 principles shared by people who’ve actually done it.   Next Steps: ·      🎥 Watch my video 12 Rules For (A Frugal) Life. ·      📘 Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. ·      💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Connect With Our Sponsors: 🔒 Get 20% off when you join DeleteMe. 💸 Learn more about opening a high-yield savings account with Laurel Road. ·      Get 40% off Tello’s Unlimited Plan—just $15/month for three months! 🎉 at Tello. Explore More From Ramsey Network: 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 🪑 Front Row Seat with Ken Coleman 📈 EntreLeadership   Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy  [BK1]Please include the second period in the hyperlink. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

George Kamel is a personal finance expert and co-host of The Ramsey Show and Smart Money Happy Hour. Following Ramsey’s proven money plan, George went from negative net worth to a millionaire in under 10 years. His goal is to help people spend less, save more, and avoid money traps so they can live a life with more margin, options and freedom.  This show will simplify complex money topics, bust money myths with actual facts, and debunk the stupid financial advice you're seeing in your social media feed. All with a healthy dose of pop culture, humor, and snark. Have a story for George? Send us a message to Want George on your show? Connect with us at