Learn German: Grilling with Friends

This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and German, to improve your German vocabulary and help you to express yourself in German. These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing German language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal German class. The more you expose your brain to German audio, the faster you'll learn. All episodes have subtitles available (if your podcast app supports subtitles). Contact us with feedback and ideas: languagelearningaccelerator@gmail.com View the full list of English and German phrases in this episode. Phrases in this episode: What a cozy setup you have here. The grill's aroma is mouth-watering! That iced tea is incredibly refreshing. Your kids are so entertaining. Your pet sure loves the attention. I hear you're quite the weekend hiker. Can I lend a hand with anything? So, you're the green thumb of the family! The lawn looks well cared for. Who's the chef behind these delicious skewers? Your side dishes are a hit. This is what outdoor dining is all about. Where did you get this marinade recipe? Is this salad from your own garden? This garlic bread is amazing. Any special ingredients in this sauce? The grill marks are impeccable. Nothing compares to a perfectly grilled steak. Couldn't ask for better grilling weather. Let me know how I can help clean up. What a beautiful evening!

Om Podcasten

If you're trying to think your way into learning German, you're doing it wrong.Learn German like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!)Thousands of German Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting.Just phrases, no filler!Go way beyond the German language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in German.As an audio-only tool to learn German, it's a perfect companion for driving, walking, or house chores.This podcast is the perfect supplement for your current language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo or are enrolled in a German class.If you’re a beginner, we recommend you use this tool in addition to a good German intro course like Michel Thomas.The German Learning Accelerator is created by language lovers and world travelers, for the love of language!Every episode has subtitles available. (If your podcast player supports it.)