Insane in the Membrane

This week on Get Canceled, Sheryl and her guests dive into today's topic of mental health. As a country, there has been a significant shift in mental health awareness, but at what point does all this awareness become another excuse? Today, we see kids take a "mental health day". Thirty years ago, you had to be physically dying to stay home from school, forget about anything mental health related. Even though nobody wants to go through the hardships, it builds grit and ...

Om Podcasten

This podcast is for entertainment purposes only! Each week, Sheryl invites her guests to talk about all things that get you shunned in today's woke, narcissistic, social-media obsessed society. No topic is off limits. This is why our guests remain anonymous. It's the only way to ensure a truly unfiltered experience. So if you enjoy utter nonsense, subscribe to the show, rate and review!! And remember, these retards get drunk for your entertainment!! Twitter: @GetCanceledPod