The Best Running Session For A Triathlete
A special announcement about our free facebook group: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our community. Gerard and Jordan are both active in the group and inside we are sharing our best resources and streaming free live coaching sessions to help you with your training and racing. If you would like to join this free community on facebook, just type in TriVelo Coaching into facebook, or go to Join the group, introduce yourself we’d love to hear from you and see more of you in there. In today’s episode, we talk about the BEST type of running training you can do as a triathlete (and why the olympic and world champion recommends the same thing!). We cover: Giving yourself permission to fail What does it mean to race gutsy The one thing you SHOULD and SHOULDN’T think about in your race What did our athletes do differently to produce their running PB’s? How we had almost a 100% improvement rate in athlete testing Why Gerard hasn’t been happy with the training course selection of some of his athletes… How running at 7min/km pace can improve your running performance How to prevent injury and build strength in the same session How this session results in greater running efficiency If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly email, just go to: The Get Fast Podcast is brought to you by TriVelo Coaching, where we help triathletes and cyclists like you, Train Smarter to Race Faster. You are joined as always by your hosts, Australian Triathlon Ironman Champion and HEAD COACH of TriVelo Coaching Gerard Donnelly, and his son Jordan Donnelly. Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.