Your Complete Interior Design Basics Guide - Episode 25 (Season 11 - INTERIOR DESIGN BASICS)

This, believe it or not, is our final episode for what has been an epic season called “Interior Design Basics”. So, stay tuned, as I do a wrap-up for the season, give you some extra tips and ideas for your home’s interiors, and share some other great info with you. SHOW NOTES: As I said upfront, Interior Design Basics has been an epic season … with this episode being Number 25, and it’s been running since October last year. Phwoar hey? So, let’s do a bit of a wrap-up and reminder of the episodes, and I’ll share some extra tips along the way. You can use this as a reminder of episodes you might want to relisten to, or perhaps missed during the season. Throughout this season, I also shared with you information about our online course, Interior Design 101.  It’s an amazing course, which contains the full versions of all of the interviews I conducted throughout this season, plus loads more helpful info.  What’s brilliant is that we’ve broken each of the interviews into each of the individual questions, so you can literally find exactly what you’re looking for very quickly.  There’s also a design layout video for both bathrooms and kitchens … and I’ll talk a little bit later about the taster quickstart course I created, called the Kitchen Design Challenge, as you may be curious about that too.  If you haven’t checked out Interior Design 101, be sure to do so. It’s a DIY, self-study course, so you can jump in, take your time to work through it, and then grab the template interiors schedule that’s in there, and start working away on your selections for your home. Head to to learn more about the course, and dive in. Alright, let’s begin the season wrap-up! I really hope you enjoy this episode. Listen now. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST: Learn more about the online program, Interior Design 101 >>> Learn more about our fantastic Kitchen Design Challenge >>> For other links mentioned on this podcast, head to for privacy information.

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If we haven’t met before, I’m Amelia Lee, the architect behind Undercover Architect: an online business to help and teach homeowners like you how to get it right when designing, building and renovating your home. Undercover Architect is all about giving you access to the industry knowledge and insights you need to avoid the mistakes and dramas that can cost you thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. And it’s about levelling the playing field, so that the world of renovating and building doesn’t seem so mysterious, and you can be the active driver in your project, navigating it with know-how and confidence. Undercover Architect helps and teaches homeowners through this podcast, the website, and online courses and programs, including my flagship program, HOME Method. I truly believe that when you know the questions to ask, the steps to take and the best way to create a home that works, feels great, and that you feel great in, you can enjoy the process of building and renovating, as well as the home you move into at the end of this ambitious journey. Consider Undercover Architect your secret ally: whoever you’re working with, and whatever your location, your budget or your dreams. For more, head to