Electric Boogaloo

Now that we know about the Dungeonbowl expansion, the 2022 Almanac (with the star player expansion), and the November FAQ/Designer's commentary... well, there is a lot to talk about!  We dip into the mailbag of questions and offer the rookies some unsolicited advice. Finally, have an interview with the winner's of Winter Mayhem, and a breakdown of what to expect from Thor's Hammerslam in December. A little disclaimer: for the records, Scrappa *does* have his normal agility of 3+, unlike the confused noises we made when looking at some fo the preliminary reports. We hope you all enjoy the episode!

Om Podcasten

This podcast is concerned with the people who play the game of Blood Bowl, Game Workshop's game of fantasy football. Specifically, we report on the tournament scene in Alberta, Canada.