Gutter Bowl/PowTown Reflection

PowTown has come and gone and we wanted to sit down and chat about the weekend. How was Zolcath the Zoat?  Did Grombindal move the needle at all? Would Scott pass out from his macramae beard? That was the intention until our rumour mill section started to heat up! Gutter Bowl has been announced along with a new star player - Ivan the Animal!  We also set up our calendar to help everyone find an event that can work for them, allowing them to gain valueable points for the Great Plains Grand Prix!  Come, pour yourself a frosty beverage, and reminisce with us about the tournament that was!

Om Podcasten

This podcast is concerned with the people who play the game of Blood Bowl, Game Workshop's game of fantasy football. Specifically, we report on the tournament scene in Alberta, Canada.