Episode 138: Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer (Hands on Both Sides)
Welcome to Get Up in the Cool: Old Time Music with Cameron DeWhitt and Friends! This week’s friends are Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer! We recorded this a couple weeks ago at my home in Portland, Oregon. Tunes in this episode: Buddies in the Saddle Kissing in the Dark Coleman’s March Left Hind Leg Cumberland Gap Bonus track: Kitchen Girl Cathy and Marcy’s website: https://www.cathymarcy.com/ Cathy and Marcy’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cathyandmarcy/ Fink, Marxer & Gleaves Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FINKMARXERGLEAVES/ TrueFire lessons with Cathy and Marcy: https://www.cathymarcy.com/education/truefire-2/ Peghead Nation lessons with Marcy Marxer: https://pegheadnation.com/string-school/instructors/marcy-marxer/ Cameron is going on tour with Jake Blount in April! Follow the links below and RSVP: D.C. Baltimore Lancaster Brooklyn New Haven Portland Providence (Message Get Up in the Cool on Facebook for invitation to the private event) Boston Thanks to Elderly Instruments in Lansing, Michigan for sharing the show with their customers. Visit their website: https://www.elderly.com/.Support Get Up in the Cool