122: Narcissism and Emotional Immaturity with Tony Overbay

Holy smokes, this episode is jam packed with so much goodness and truth bombs. You’re about to hear Tony and I get a bit vulnerable as we share some of our mistakes and lessons learned about growing more emotionally mature in our relationships. Ever accuse your spouse of being a narcissist – or at least being myopic or only seeing their side of things without taking you into account? Well, this episode is for you. Ever desire a stronger emotional connection with your spouse? This episode is for you too! Tony Overbay is a licensed marriage and family therapist from the Bay Area of California. He’s the host of the popular podcast called The Virtual Couch. In his practice working with thousands of couples, he’s noticed how crucial emotional maturity is, and how “narcissism” (which he explains is emotional immaturity) plays a role in the way we relate to ourselves and others. He goes on to explain how to wake up to it and steps we can take to be stronger within ourselves and our relationships.   For more great content like this, check out the following resources: Live Workshop on Feb 22: How to Have an Orgasm (and have better orgasms) Next Level Waiting List: https://getyourmarriageon.com/next-level/ Men's coaching program waiting list: https://getyourmarriageon.com/mens-coaching/ Website: getyourmarriageon.com Instagram: @getyourmarriageon Fun and sexy app for married couples: Intimately Us

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It’s a challenge to build a long term relationship full of love, desire, and sexy fun. It can be especially challenging for Christians in a world filled with mixed messages about sex, intimacy, and marriage that go contrary to traditional values. Your host is Dan Purcell, a Life Coach and Couples Sex Expert that specializes in helping married couples take their sex life to the next level. You’ll gain new ideas, perspectives, and practical tools to help you "get your marriage on"! This podcast discusses fun and spicy topics you’ve always wondered about, but from a Christian-friendly perspective. For more information, visit https://getyourmarriageon.com.