155: Sex is Weird: Embracing the Awkward, Fetishes, Butt Stuff, and Building a Marriage for Two - Q&A

I love hearing your success stories! If you would like to share yours on the podcast, please fill out this form. This episode covers six of the anonymous questions I've received this month. You all sure send me some really good questions! If you would like to submit an anonymous question, you can do so on our website. Today we answer questions about fetishes, shame, anal play and how we overcome awkwardness and the "gross factor." I also address talking to our partners about the hard stuff, what to do when we don't share their perspective or want them to do something differently. Ultimately, it's all about how we can know and be known by our spouses and make room for both spouses to be equal partners in all things. Thanks for listening! If you like this content, check out getyourmarriageon.com for more: FREE MASTERCLASS Next Level Intimacy Program Private Coaching Workshops Apps Guides AND MORE!  

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It’s a challenge to build a long term relationship full of love, desire, and sexy fun. It can be especially challenging for Christians in a world filled with mixed messages about sex, intimacy, and marriage that go contrary to traditional values. Your host is Dan Purcell, a Life Coach and Couples Sex Expert that specializes in helping married couples take their sex life to the next level. You’ll gain new ideas, perspectives, and practical tools to help you "get your marriage on"! This podcast discusses fun and spicy topics you’ve always wondered about, but from a Christian-friendly perspective. For more information, visit https://getyourmarriageon.com.