50: Sharing your Load with Dr. Morgan Cutlip

Have you ever noticed that there’s something almost invisible and intangible that interferes with our ability to connect with our spouses sometimes? According to our expert guest today, it affects women more than men. It’s about the mental load we carry, how our minds are constantly buzzing with all the things that need to get done. Couples that develop the skill of “bearing one other’s burdens so that they may be light” find more room to connect and find happiness in their relationship. Morgan Cutlip has a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Akron and holds a master’s degree in Human Development and Family Sciences from Ohio State University. She specializes in helping individuals and couples find happiness and health in their relationships. She and her father are the founders of My Love Thinks, a company dedicated to creating user-friendly and practical relationship education resources.  As you’ll soon hear, Dr. Cutlip has a special passion for helping couples find a fair distribution of responsibilities in the home and helping mothers engage in meaningful self-care.

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It’s a challenge to build a long term relationship full of love, desire, and sexy fun. It can be especially challenging for Christians in a world filled with mixed messages about sex, intimacy, and marriage that go contrary to traditional values. Your host is Dan Purcell, a Life Coach and Couples Sex Expert that specializes in helping married couples take their sex life to the next level. You’ll gain new ideas, perspectives, and practical tools to help you "get your marriage on"! This podcast discusses fun and spicy topics you’ve always wondered about, but from a Christian-friendly perspective. For more information, visit https://getyourmarriageon.com.