63: From Brink of Divorce to Intimate Lovers with Mark and Mindy

In today's podcast, you’ll have the privilege of meeting one of my favorite couples on the planet, Mark and his wife Mindy! Mark was in my most recent Men's coaching cohort. Six months ago Mark and Mindy were on the brink of divorce after 25 years of marriage. However, they have worked really hard and with God’s help, and a little bit of effective coaching, they had grown a lot in a short time. I'm excited for you to hear their story! If you’re interested, the next cohort for my coaching program starts on January 19th, 2022. There are only a dozen seats available and as of this recording, several have been taken. You’ll find the details on my website at getyourmarriageon.com

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It’s a challenge to build a long term relationship full of love, desire, and sexy fun. It can be especially challenging for Christians in a world filled with mixed messages about sex, intimacy, and marriage that go contrary to traditional values. Your host is Dan Purcell, a Life Coach and Couples Sex Expert that specializes in helping married couples take their sex life to the next level. You’ll gain new ideas, perspectives, and practical tools to help you "get your marriage on"! This podcast discusses fun and spicy topics you’ve always wondered about, but from a Christian-friendly perspective. For more information, visit https://getyourmarriageon.com.