9: Closing The Orgasm Gap with Sheila Wray Gregoire

Studies show that men reach orgasm regularly during sex about 95% of the time, compared to 48% for women. Also, many of those in the 48% haven't always been in that group -- it's something they've grown into.  Today's guest is Sheila Wray Gregoire, a fellow "sexpert" and creator of a research-based orgasm course for women. If you or someone you love in life wants to improve her orgasms, this one is for you! In this episode, we tackle questions like: How many women struggle with reaching orgasm?  Why is there such a big orgasm gap between men and women? What myths get in the way of a healthy view of sex & orgasm? What are some of the relationship factors that affect a wife’s ability to get there? How does pressure to climax, such as coming from the husband, affect a woman’s ability to orgasm? How do your own expectations and pressure you put on yourself affect your ability to orgasm? What steps can a wife take on her own, for the purpose of getting comfortable with your own body and learning what feels good, for the benefit of the marriage? What are some techniques couples can try, besides intercourse? Why do people say oral sex so effective in this area? How can husbands help their wives get there? What should husbands NOT do to help their wives get there? How can women learn to have multiple orgasms? We also want to emphasize that there’s more to sex than just orgasms. A WHOLE lot more. If you like this episode, be sure to download our app, Intimately Us at https://intimately.us  

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It’s a challenge to build a long term relationship full of love, desire, and sexy fun. It can be especially challenging for Christians in a world filled with mixed messages about sex, intimacy, and marriage that go contrary to traditional values. Your host is Dan Purcell, a Life Coach and Couples Sex Expert that specializes in helping married couples take their sex life to the next level. You’ll gain new ideas, perspectives, and practical tools to help you "get your marriage on"! This podcast discusses fun and spicy topics you’ve always wondered about, but from a Christian-friendly perspective. For more information, visit https://getyourmarriageon.com.