Ep. 133: David Allen chats with William Elliott

David explores the psychology of productivity with William Elliott, a counseling psychologist and GTD master trainer in South Africa. William describes his own journey with attention-deficit disorder, and finding GTD as a support for becoming more organized. He has wise words about how humility and accepting our limitations can improve our productivity and the overall quality of our lives. You'll likely resonate with his description of the background stress around "What do I say no to?" and how GTD helps with decision making and prioritizing. Regarding what's on our lists, he notes that there is an advance beyond safely ignoring to reach comfortably ignoring. Responding to a question from David, William says that his "brain has accepted that GTD is the life raft." (January 2018)

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Our GTD podcasts are here to support you at every stage of your GTD practice. You will hear interviews with people from all walks of life about their journey with GTD, from beginners to those who have been at it for years. The podcasts include personal and professional stories, as well as practical tips about GTD systems for desktop and mobile, using apps and paper. Start listening now and you'll be well on your way to stress-free productivity.