Ep. 165: GTD® Live – pt 14

Part 14 of many – GTD® Live is the audio version of David Allen’s complete two-day seminar that brings you the powerful principles of Getting Things Done®, including the Mastering Workflow, Managing Projects & Priorities models. Recorded live, this will give you a great hands-on experience with the GTD® approach, at your own pace. Take part in the exercises presented, just as if you were in the room with David by your side. It’s a great way to get started with GTD®, or refresh what you’ve already built and learned. If you’d like to purchase the complete seminar and binge it all at once, please visit the GTD® Store

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Our GTD podcasts are here to support you at every stage of your GTD practice. You will hear interviews with people from all walks of life about their journey with GTD, from beginners to those who have been at it for years. The podcasts include personal and professional stories, as well as practical tips about GTD systems for desktop and mobile, using apps and paper. Start listening now and you'll be well on your way to stress-free productivity.