Episode 224: Reinvigorating Habits

It is so easy for even the most ingrained habits to go by the wayside when you have a change in routine or other disruption. This week, Janine and Shannon discuss taking baby steps to reinvigorate your beneficial habits. Discussion topics include: • Janine's good-enough pre-Halloween raking of leaves • How disruption of routine can affect habits • Looking forward to the habits you need now, rather than blindly trying to recreate past habits • Janine's daily yoga practice that she's trying to rejuvenate • Allowing small efforts to count when you're building or rebuilding habits • Shannon's end of-the-day-yoga practice with her husband • Another beneficial habit: Making the bed • Shannon and Janine's favorite habit: Working on YNAB (You Need A Budget) every morning • Another habit Shannon is reinvigorating, using her Bullet Journal (in concert with Todoist) • Janine's enthusiastic use of her Bullet Journal • The value of the Bullet Journal index • Pairing new habits with existing ones Visit the show notes at www.gettingtogoodenough.com for pictures and links!

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A podcast about overcoming perfectionism so you can do more of what you love. Your hosts are: Janine Adams, a Certified Professional Organizer, who is naturally good at good enough and Shannon Wilkinson, a Life Coach and recovering perfectionist who is learning to be better at good enough. Together they share tips, techniques and stories from their organizing and coaching practices, as well as their own lives, to help you find more peace, have less angst and take more action.