Episode 253: Better Sleep

Getting a great night's sleep can be elusive, especially as we get older. Shannon and Janine have tried a lot of things to improve the quality of their sleep and we're excited to discuss them in this episode. We provide lots of great links with this one! Discussion topics include: • The good old days when we could get a good night's sleep and not even notice • The app Shannon uses to check her sleep: AutoSleep • The sleep app Janine uses: Sleep Cycle • Shannon's sleep-talking habit (she runs meetings in her sleep!) • The double-edged sword of electronically monitoring your sleep • Adjusting your sleep goals so you can achieve them more often • Shannon's current sleep solution: Drinking four ounces of tart cherry juice • Janine's current sleep solution: Dream Powder • The challenge of varying temperature preferences when you're sharing a bed • Shannon's eucalyptus weighted blanket • Listening to sleep stories to get to sleep • Shannon's sleep mask with embedded bluetooth speakers! • Practicing good sleep hygiene Be sure to visit the show notes at www.gettingtogoodenough.com for links to everything we talked about.

Om Podcasten

A podcast about overcoming perfectionism so you can do more of what you love. Your hosts are: Janine Adams, a Certified Professional Organizer, who is naturally good at good enough and Shannon Wilkinson, a Life Coach and recovering perfectionist who is learning to be better at good enough. Together they share tips, techniques and stories from their organizing and coaching practices, as well as their own lives, to help you find more peace, have less angst and take more action.