Create in a Vacuum (GWTW733)

Building upon last week's episode, where I talked about figures of speech that guide our work, whether we know it or not, I want to talk about a popular one in creativity: "You can't create great work in a vacuum." While I understand what the phrase is saying, and there are some excellent blog posts advocating for non-vacuum ideation, I think it lacks a key component of creativity: doing the actual work. I'm just getting back from attending an annual conference, and I'm struggling to get my groove going. There are a lot of distractions and items on the to-do list. What's missing is my ability to tune everything out, get into a vacuum-esque state of focus, and crank out the work. It seems like when I get close to it, something pulls me out, and that sucks. Hah, vacuum puns are the best. In today's episode of Getting Work To Work, I'm diving into the what, how, and why you need to create a vacuum-like environment for deep creative work.

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Getting Work To Work is a weekly podcast for creative entrepreneurs, storytellers, visionaries, and change-makers who are on a mission of chasing big ideas, telling epic stories, and leaving living legacies. Whether you're just starting out or have been at this creative and curious life for some time, I hope you'll learn something new in this podcast and find yourself inspired to break through the barriers that hold you back and keep you stuck from getting your work to work.