12. God is in Moana? Healing Wounds and God's Great Love with the movie Moana.

Hey there girls! Today we dive into on of our favorite movies and discuss the way the Holy Spirit moves through the movie Moana, the wounds of the characters and how wounds effect us in our lives. If you attended our Moana themed retreat and think you have already heard this, don't worry this is not the same conversation. We take Moana in a different angle and go deeper. God desires healing of our wounds and learning about them helps us to recognize our own wounding and need for healing. We have some fun with a pretty serious topic. Share this video with friends!! We talk about Dr. Bob Schutts Healing the Whole Person and the 7 deadly wounds. https://jpiihealingcenter.org/

Om Podcasten

There is finally a place for Catholic girls to grow in holiness and have a little fun at the same time. Kendra Bartlett and Megan Copeland, the hosts of the His Beloved Catholic Podcast, love to inspire teens and young adults to live out their Catholic faith authentically. On each episode of this podcast we will cover a topic that is meaningful to girls these days: identity, relationships, friendships, prayer, scripture, the dignity of our bodies, etc. In the words of Jesus Talitha Kum it is time "Little Girl to Arise."