5 Tactful Steps to Get Out of Your Social Media Rut

So you have something to share but you may not know what it is yet? Specifically in content creation in the online space or maybe you're in a little bit of a rut? Bestie I see and feel you!  In this episode, I share the catch-22 predicament we find ourselves in when we know we want to post or share our message but keep on 'waiting' for the perfect time to gain the clarity. Not realizing that we won't gain clarity in the waiting, but rather in the DOING. Through my own journey with content creation and stepping into the online space (though I'm no expert by any means), I wanted to share 5 tactful pieces of advice in creating content and sharing your message in today's episode, and cannot wait to hear what you think! Let's connect on Insta!

Om Podcasten

Girls & The Gays (G&TG) is a podcast hosted by Tran Truong, a 20 something year old navigating his career, dating, and all things life. Through the lens of a gay, Vietnamese-American young adult, Tran shares his experience of working in Big Tech while running his side businesses. From business strategy to unlocking blocks in mindset when going after your dream life, Tran unpacks it all through his own journey of going after "the damn thing." Aka .. Tran is your gay bestie! Over a glass of wine accompanied by a charcuterie board - Tran encourages you to walk to the beat of your own drum, live authentically, and be the testament of how far you can go by just showing up! So? Press play and see what Girls & The Gays is all about ;)