Empowering Community: A Closer Look at Place-Based Giving

Traditional approaches to solving various social and environmental problems taken by government, philanthropy, and nonprofits have tended to focus on specific areas like housing, education, or health. But experience has shown us that these problems don’t exist in a vacuum. A recent article published in SSIR talks about the importance of placed-based strategies for addressing challenges faced by communities and outlines several new approaches being pursued to uplift these communities. Some organizations are achieving remarkable change by focusing on transforming place first and foremost, rather than focusing on specific problems or goals in a siloed manner. They pursue holistic place-based systems change. But what does this place-based approach look like in practice? And how can we help leverage resources and relationships to empower community and achieve lasting and transformative change?

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Generosity and innovation are fueling exponential progress in addressing the most complex and intractable problems we face today. Growing at a commensurate pace is the drive to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of donors, the advisors who support them and nonprofits in creating the impact they envision. Giving with Impact is a podcast created by Schwab Charitable and Stanford Social Innovation Review to engage the philanthropic sector in an ongoing discussion around maximizing charitable impact. The series creates a collaborative space for leading voices from across the philanthropic ecosystem to engage in both aspirational and practical conversations around relevant topics at the heart of achieving more effective philanthropy. (0819-98NA)