Laura Wasser, Celebrity Divorce Attorney + Founder of ‘It’s Over Easy’ — Glambition Radio Episode 183 with Ali Brown

She’s represented Angelina Jolie, Kate Hudson, Kim Kardashian, Liam Hemsworth, and other celebs though the painful process of divorce.

But while superstar divorce attorney Laura Wasser charges hefty fees for her own celebrity clients, she has always had a dream of helping ALL women across the country more easily afford the standard legal fees that come with pursuing divorce.

Determined to make justice accessible, Laura founded ‘It’s Over Easy’: the online divorce platform that provides affordable legal services and resources for divorcing couples.


On this week’s episode of #GlambitionRadio, you’ll hear:

*Laura’s frank and unusual outlook on marriage, relationships and family (this is a powerful perspective that you don’t hear very often)

*The big celebrity divorce case—a name you would know—that first put Laura on the map (and why she can’t file any paperwork today without the tabloids calling her office!)

*The personal experience Laura had that motivated the concept behind ‘It’s Over Easy’

*The women who chose to invest in Laura’s company, and what made the investment meaningful to them

*What the first step to take is for anyone contemplating divorce right now

Head to Apple Podcasts now to listen to this episode of Glambition Radio (or download it for later).

And be sure to check out Laura’s book, ‘It Doesn't Have to Be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself’, wherever books are sold, and her podcast, ‘Divorce Sucks’!

And come join in the conversation on Instagram or Facebook.



PS — I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on Apple Podcasts. :) Select ‘Listen in Apple Podcasts’ then choose the ‘Ratings and Reviews’ tab to share what you think. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Show Notes:
*Learn more about 'It’s Over Easy', the online platform for divorce

*Listen to Laura’s ‘Divorce Sucks!’ podcast on Apple Podcasts

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Join renowned entrepreneur + mentor Ali Brown each week for this award-winning podcast about, and for, women entrepreneurs and leaders who think big, do different, and share ideas that disrupt the status quo. Ali and her Glambition Radio guests are rewriting the rules for leadership, business success, making money, and changing the world. Recent interviews on this long-running podcast include billion-dollar entrepreneur Cindy Eckert, fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff, corporate legend Beth Comstock, Orange Theory founder Ellen Latham, financial expert Jean Chatzky, activist Zainab Salbi, and many more. Learn more about the podcast and Ali at