Go for beginners

How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on Changelog, or any Go-curious programmers out there, as well as encourage those that have started to learn Go and want to level up beyond the basics. On this episode we’re aiming to answer questions about how to learn Go, identify resources that are available, and where you can go to continue your learning journey.

Om Podcasten

Your source for diverse discussions from around the Go community. This show records LIVE every Tuesday at 3pm US Eastern. Join the Golang community and chat with us during the show in the #gotimefm channel of Gophers slack. Panelists include Mat Ryer, Jon Calhoun, Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, Angelica Hill, Kris Brandow, and Ian Lopshire. We discuss cloud infrastructure, distributed systems, microservices, Kubernetes, Docker… oh and also Go! Some people search for GoTime or GoTimeFM and can’t find the show, so now the strings GoTime and GoTimeFM are in our description too.