Can You Cure Your Addiction with Stem Cells?

Regan explains on this week’s episode the dangerous side effects of drugs and why addiction occurs in the brain. It is an epidemic in this country where people are being prescribed opioid pain medications and Regan has seen, first hand, how it has destroyed lives as well as families. However, there’s promising news on ways you can beat addiction through the use of stem cells! Find out more on this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: [:30] We probably know someone who has issues with addition. [2:25] No matter what your addiction may be, they all stem from the same root cause. [3:00] 116 people die every day from opioid-related overdoses. [6:55] A little bit of history about the poppy plant. [10:25] In 2012, 259 million opioid pain medications were written. [11:50] Addiction can happen to every single one of us. It doesn’t just happen to ‘bad’ people. [13:40] Why are we still hooked on opiates? [20:55] If you take oxycontin for your pain, you will extend the duration of your pain almost as twice as long if you didn’t take any opioids for the pain. [22:00] How can stem cells help?   Mentioned in This Episode: Go Wellness website: Go Wellness Call Regan: 801-582-2011 Email Regan: Email the Team: Clinic:

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At Go Wellness radio we provide you with innovative solutions to transform your health and well-being. The current healthcare in our country has made us sick, fat, and broke. Most of the information we get has the big Pharma or big agricultural special interests behind it. What we bring you is the latest non-biased research on health and wellness from experts around the globe. Our radio dojo provides Bruce Lee style training on improving your workplace, mental space, and mindfulness. Our topics include peptide therapy, nutrition, mental well-being, fitness, herbal medicine, adrenal and stress health and more. This is knowledge I wish I had when I was a kid so that I could have the tools to live to be 120.