Improve Your Mental and Emotional Well Being with Aniesa Hanson

Aniesa Hanson is a licensed therapist and Founder of Aniesa Hanson Counseling. She helps her clients work through their anxiety, self-confidence, and relationship issues. She also has been featured as an expert therapist in Reader’s Digest, PsychologyToday, and so much more. Find out on this week’s episode on how to practice active listening, increase your emotional intelligence, and work through your unhealthy patterns and behaviors.   Key Takeaways: [1:40] Why did Aniesa decide to go into private practice? [4:20] What kinds of concerns or problems do Aniesa’s patients typically have? [6:50] How did Aniesa get into this field? [9:35] Having a therapist is so taboo, but if you hire a personal trainer for your body, why don’t you do it for your mind as well? [12:20] What is active listening and how can you apply it into your everyday life? [16:05] Here’s what not to do when active listening. [19:20] How do you listen with not only your head but with your body as well? [21:55] You are your behaviors. If you wake up every day late, you will be late. [23:15] What are some of Aniesa’s daily practices? [26:10] Regan feels like if he doesn’t take a minute to reflect on his wins, then it’s just a neverending story. [27:40] What is emotional intelligence and how can you increase it? [32:05] How many close relationships can one person really have? [34:50] When people work with Aniesa, what does that process typically look like? [37:15] It can be incredibly difficult letting go of your negative thoughts. [40:25] Aniesa shares the latest book she finished reading — The Danish Way of Parenting.   Mentioned in This Episode: Go Wellness website: Go Wellness Call Regan: 801-582-2011 Email Regan: Email the Team: or Clinic: The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the World Know About Raising Confident, Capable Kids, by Iben Dissing Sandahl and Jessica Joelle Alexander Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence, by Esther Perel

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At Go Wellness radio we provide you with innovative solutions to transform your health and well-being. The current healthcare in our country has made us sick, fat, and broke. Most of the information we get has the big Pharma or big agricultural special interests behind it. What we bring you is the latest non-biased research on health and wellness from experts around the globe. Our radio dojo provides Bruce Lee style training on improving your workplace, mental space, and mindfulness. Our topics include peptide therapy, nutrition, mental well-being, fitness, herbal medicine, adrenal and stress health and more. This is knowledge I wish I had when I was a kid so that I could have the tools to live to be 120.