Longevity Isn’t Just a Trend Anymore with Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach

Dan Sullivan is founder and president of The Strategic Coach Inc. A visionary, an innovator, and a gifted conceptual thinker, Dan has over 40 years’ experience as a highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups. Born in 1944, Dan plans on living till he’s 156 and discusses some of the prevention/regeneration techniques to help him get there. How long do you plan to live for?   Key Takeaways: [1:40] Dan plans to live till 156. How long do you plan to live? [2:45] Dan was born in the 40’s. What was the mentality around lifespan throughout the 50s, 60s, and 70s? [4:05] Social security, a Ponzi scheme? [8:10] Regan remembers throwing his dad a ‘halfway party’ when he turned 40. Regan will be turning 40 soon, and it doesn’t feel like he’s even nearly ‘halfway’ there. More like the 1st quarter! [8:40] Dan is having his halfway party on his 78th birthday, which is in 2022. [13:30] MDs today still feel very restricted when it comes to dipping their toes in innovative/new medicines that can prolong life, instead of just curing the symptoms. [15:45] Dan has no allergies, but he also grew up on a farm and the general expectation around the community (jokingly) was he had to eat 2 lb. of dirt by the time he was 10 years old. Life on the farm was a very dirty life. [18:55] Dan asks Regan what he’s most excited about in his field of work? [23:05] There are two different types of stem cells, the ones you have and the ones from the placenta. Dan asks Regan about the differences between the two. [29:35] Dan discusses the positive impact the Vasper Machine has on Navy SEALS, and why he personally uses it. [37:00] What kinds of things is Dan doing to increase his longevity? [46:35] Dan asks Regan what are some of the basic steps that Regan will do to help a first-time client? [50:15] Dan asks Regan some of the mindset differences between the worst clients and the best clients Regan has had? [54:10] Did you know there are certain vegetables we eat that aren’t really good for us? [56:05] Every year Dan and his wife are getting healthier. [57:00] Dan offers some final words of wisdom before he goes.   Mentioned in This Episode: Go Wellness website: Go Wellness Call Regan: 801-582-2011 Email Regan: regan@gowellness.com Email the Team: info@gowellness.com Strategiccoach.com Humanlongevity.com The Plant Paradox, by Steven R. Gundry

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At Go Wellness radio we provide you with innovative solutions to transform your health and well-being. The current healthcare in our country has made us sick, fat, and broke. Most of the information we get has the big Pharma or big agricultural special interests behind it. What we bring you is the latest non-biased research on health and wellness from experts around the globe. Our radio dojo provides Bruce Lee style training on improving your workplace, mental space, and mindfulness. Our topics include peptide therapy, nutrition, mental well-being, fitness, herbal medicine, adrenal and stress health and more. This is knowledge I wish I had when I was a kid so that I could have the tools to live to be 120.