Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue with Regan Archibald

Regan Archibald talks on the subject of adrenal fatigue and how you can spot the symptoms. What is adrenal fatigue? What does it do to you and how do you stop it? All these questions and more answered on this week's episode of Go Wellness. Please share the podcast with your friends and family if you think it might help them!   Key Takeaways: [0:40] Please share the Go Wellness podcast with friends and family. [1:31] Why does your body put fat on the lower belly? [1:40] What kind of symptoms will you experience?   [3:50] What will your body look like during adrenal fatigue? [4:25] What kind of tests can you do? [5:15] Feed your body right. [8:40] Take good care of your teeth and gums. [9:30] Is the tip of your tongue red? [10:00] Next episode we'll focus on how to optimize your gut.   Mentioned In This Episode: http://gowellness.com/  

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At Go Wellness radio we provide you with innovative solutions to transform your health and well-being. The current healthcare in our country has made us sick, fat, and broke. Most of the information we get has the big Pharma or big agricultural special interests behind it. What we bring you is the latest non-biased research on health and wellness from experts around the globe. Our radio dojo provides Bruce Lee style training on improving your workplace, mental space, and mindfulness. Our topics include peptide therapy, nutrition, mental well-being, fitness, herbal medicine, adrenal and stress health and more. This is knowledge I wish I had when I was a kid so that I could have the tools to live to be 120.