What Are Some of the Benefits of Cold Showers?
Regan Archibald is joined by Erin and Jenny to discuss the benefits of cold showers! Cold showers may seem like a daunting thing to start, but with just two minutes a day, you can reap several benefits from it. Regan shares some of the benefits of why you should start a cold shower and why it is a very spiritually enlightening practice. Key Takeaways: [:35] What are some of the benefits of being cold? [1:35] After his wife committed suicide, Wim Hof went into the woods to recover and that’s where he discovered a cold pond and its benefits. [2:25] What are some of the benefits of an ice bath? [4:05] How can someone get started with a cold shower? [5:25] Try to hang out in the cold shower for two minutes. [6:30] When the cold water hits you, focus on your breath. [9:30] Regan dives into the circulation benefits of a cold shower. [11:00] Have you ever been so tired you can’t sleep? [12:15] Regan challenges you to just try it! [14:15] What are some of the long-term benefits of a cold shower? [15:15] Let Regan and his team know about your experience with cold showers! Mentioned in This Episode: Go Wellness website: Go Wellness Call Regan: 801-582-2011 Email Regan: regan@gowellness.com Email the Team: info@gowellness.com or EastWestAcu@Gmail.com Clinic: Acueastwest.com Wimhofmethod.com