Abelardo Gonzalez - on Bilbao, Malmö and Venice

Abelardo is an Argentinean, working in Malmö, previously - a stage designer, currently running an architectural bureau «Abelardo Gonzalez Arkitektbyrå». I was lucky enough to meet with him at his studio when I was travelling in the South of Sweden. We will discuss why expressing one’s opinion is important, why the mayor of Bilbao says that architecture is money for their city and hear about Västra Hamnen experimental development. Abelardo also explains what makes Venice one of the most incredible and charming cities for him. Follow/listen/share: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/gorozhanin-горожанин/id1476738623 Instagram (to see some behind the scenes): http://instagram.com/gorozhaninpodcast/ You can even become Gorozhanin’s patron, click here: https://www.patreon.com/gorozhanin

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Casting light on citizens and their urban life through 4 simple questions. This season's theme is: DANCE! This is my way to connect citizens through sharing their stories. Why not dive into a pool of opinions and views on a city and artificial lighting, described by people from around the world? Next time you walk through your city, notice that every person passing by has their own story and you might hear it soon. acityforyou.wordpress.com