Michelle Guzmán Olivo and Guillermo Velasquez - on curiosity and el Cuco

Today we are talking to a family with two complementary visions who met in the Dominican Republic and immigrated together to Sweden. An advertising professional, illustrator and a UX designer, Michelle & a software engineer and a triathlete, Guillermo. We are mentioning a handful of super interesting topics in this episode! To mention a few... 💡 enjoying the chaos 💡 cities being spiced up with immigrants 💡 crazy guys who train every day (guess who is that?) 💡 a cassette that lights = safety 💡 mantis shrimp, and 💡 straining things together. ❓A question to you from me, following this episode: What 1 element of the city infrastructure enables you to do what you need to do? 🌏 Now it's your turn! ❶ To help my project grow give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/gorozhanin-горожанин/id1476738623 ❷ If you looooved it too much, become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/gorozhanin ❸ Join our Slack channel to get your links directly: https://join.slack.com/t/acityforyou/shared_invite/zt-tx0s0wz9-UOG9vPT1T95GGlp4NRgrcA Prefer Telegram or INSTAGRAM? Search @ACityForYou  ❹ ENJOY A CITY FOR YOU! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/acityforyou/message

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Casting light on citizens and their urban life through 5 simple questions. This is my way to connect citizens through sharing their stories. Why not dive into a pool of opinions and views on a city and artificial lighting, described by people from around the world? Next time you walk through your city, notice that every person passing by has their own story and you might hear it soon. acityforyou.wordpress.com