Mustafa Sherif - on citizen dialogue and love relationship

Today our guest is a change-maker, urban planner Mustafa, who grew up in Baghdad, Iraq and came to Sweden 10 years ago where he is currently working and hosting the Urbanistica podcast (check it out!). What is a story of a person who sees a city as a love relationship? What does he want to have written on his grave (a very long-term plan of a 26-years old urbanist)? We will be talking about the citizen dialogue and outdoor lighting designers that often get signed into the project at the very end. Follow/listen/share:горожанин/id1476738623 Instagram (to see some behind the scenes): You can even become Gorozhanin’s patron, click here:

Om Podcasten

Casting light on citizens and their urban life through 4 simple questions. This season's theme is: DANCE! This is my way to connect citizens through sharing their stories. Why not dive into a pool of opinions and views on a city and artificial lighting, described by people from around the world? Next time you walk through your city, notice that every person passing by has their own story and you might hear it soon.