SUNDAY | Bonding To Others | Marc Poree
In this the second part of our How to Heal series, Marc Poree, from our Ballito campus, joins us to give us practical tools for wholeness and next steps to finding healing and healing others through being connected to one another. How to Heal | Tools for Wholeness | Part 2 #gracefamilychurch #DigitalGrace #walkwithjesus #comeasyouare #walkingwithJesus #churchonline #digitalgrace #onlinechurch #graceumhlanga #riversidechurch #lovepeple #umhlangachurch #durbannorthchurch #makeadifference #cornubiachurch #lovegod #FollowingJesus #christianity #digitalchurch #durbanchurch #digitalcampus #howtoheal #toolsforwholness