SUNDAY | How can a good God allow suffering?

This week Wayne continues asking the tough questions in part 3 of our #askingforafriend series. Today's question is "How can a good God allow suffering?" Wayne shares some wise words as to why some of us could be asking this question. #askingforafriend. You can find the full series here... #gracefamilychurch #WalkingwithGod  #digitalchurch #exploringfaith  #digitalgrace #FollowingJesus #onlinechurch #christianity #umhlangachurch #digitalcampus #comeasyouare #sundaysermon    #graceumhlanga

Om Podcasten

Join us for a weekly conversation finding God's truth in scripture and shared personal experiences. Find out more about us here... Enjoy. #gfc #gracefamilychurch #digitalgrace #digitalcampus #onlinechurch #comeasyouare #meetingyouwhereyouare #audiopodcast #churchpodcast